I am trying to parallelize a simple mandelbrot c program, yet I get this error that has to do with not including acc routine information. Also, I am not sure whether I should be copying data in and out of the parallel section. PS I am relatively new to parallel programming, so any advice with learning it would be appreciated.
(Warning when compiled)
PGC-S-0155-Procedures called in a compute region must have acc routine information: fwrite (mandelbrot.c: 88)
PGC-S-0155-Accelerator region ignored; see -Minfo messages (mandelbrot.c: 51)
51, Accelerator region ignored
88, Accelerator restriction: call to 'fwrite' with no acc routine information
PGC/x86-64 Linux 16.10-0: compilation completed with severe errors
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
/* screen ( integer) coordinate */
int iX,iY;
const int iXmax = 800;
const int iYmax = 800;
/* world ( double) coordinate = parameter plane*/
double Cx,Cy;
const double CxMin=-2.5;
const double CxMax=1.5;
const double CyMin=-2.0;
const double CyMax=2.0;
/* */
double PixelWidth=(CxMax-CxMin)/iXmax;
double PixelHeight=(CyMax-CyMin)/iYmax;
/* color component ( R or G or B) is coded from 0 to 255 */
/* it is 24 bit color RGB file */
const int MaxColorComponentValue=255;
FILE * fp;
char *filename="new1.ppm";
char *comment="# ";/* comment should start with # */
static unsigned char color[3];
/* Z=Zx+Zy*i ; Z0 = 0 */
double Zx, Zy;
double Zx2, Zy2; /* Zx2=Zx*Zx; Zy2=Zy*Zy */
/* */
int Iteration;
const int IterationMax=200;
/* bail-out value , radius of circle ; */
const double EscapeRadius=2;
double ER2=EscapeRadius*EscapeRadius;
/*create new file,give it a name and open it in binary mode */
fp= fopen(filename,"wb"); /* b - binary mode */
/*write ASCII header to the file*/
fprintf(fp,"P6\n %s\n %d\n %d\n %d\n",comment,iXmax,iYmax,MaxColorComponentValue);
/* compute and write image data bytes to the file*/
#pragma acc parallel loop present(CyMin, iY, PixelHeight, iX, iXmax, CxMin, PixelWidth, Zx, Zy, Zx2, Zy2, Iteration, IterationMax)
Cy=CyMin + iY*PixelHeight;
if (fabs(Cy)< PixelHeight/2) Cy=0.0; /* Main antenna */
#pragma acc loop
Cx=CxMin + iX*PixelWidth;
/* initial value of orbit = critical point Z= 0 */
/* */
#pragma acc loop
for (Iteration=0;Iteration<IterationMax && ((Zx2+Zy2)<ER2);Iteration++)
Zy=2*Zx*Zy + Cy;
Zx=Zx2-Zy2 +Cx;
/* compute pixel color (24 bit = 3 bytes) */
if (Iteration==IterationMax)
{ /* interior of Mandelbrot set = black */
{ /* exterior of Mandelbrot set = white */
color[0]=255; /* Red*/
color[1]=255; /* Green */
color[2]=255;/* Blue */
/*write color to the file*/
return 0;