I would like to iterate over an array that is stored as a Facter fact, and for each element of the array create a new system user and a directory, and finally make API calls to AWS.
Example of the fact : my_env => [shared1,shared2,shared3]
My Question is how to iterate over an array in puppet ?
I've tried the Ruby DSL but haven't succeded yet to get it work... Thanks !
This might work, depending on what you are doing
// Assuming fact my_env => [ shared1, shared2, shared3 ]
define myResource {
file { "/var/tmp/$name":
ensure => directory,
mode => 0600,
user { $name:
ensure => present,
myResource { $my_env: }
It will work if your requirements are simple, if not, Puppet makes this very hard to do. The Puppet developers have irrational prejudices against iteration based on a misunderstanding about how declarative languages work.
If this kind of resource doesn't work for you, perhaps you could give a better idea of which resource properties you are trying to set from your array?
With Puppet 4, this lamentable flaw was finally fixed. Current state of affairs documented here. As the documentation says, you'll find example of the above solution in a lot of old code.
As of puppet 3.2 this is possible using the "future" parser like so:
$my_env = [ 'shared1', 'shared2', 'shared3', ]
each($my_env) |$value| {
file { "/var/tmp/$value":
ensure => directory,
mode => 0600,
user { $value:
ensure -> present,
See also: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_experimental_3_2.html#background-the-puppet-future-parser
Puppet 3.7 released earlier this month have the new DSL, which one feature is the iteration, check the following URL https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/experiments_lambdas.html#enabling-lambdas-and-iteration
these new features can be enabled with the :
Setting parser = future in your puppet.conf file
or adding the command line switch --parser=future
hope that helps
itsbruce's answer is probably the best for now, but there is an iteration proposal going through puppetlabs' armatures process for possible implementation in future.
There is a "create_resources()" function in puppet. that will be very helpful while iterating over the list of itmes