Opening local files in MxGraph via urlParam

2019-09-14 18:46发布


How can I open a local file in grapheditor passing the name via urlParam? I tried with this code in index.html but it does not work.

      var editor = new EditorUi(new Editor(urlParams['chrome'] == '0', themes));

        catch (e)
          mxUtils.error('Cannot open ' + urlParams['xml'] +
            ': ' + e.message, 280, true);

Thanks in advance.


I had to do the same. It is helpful if you have a server running locally to serve your files. For example:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

This command will start a simple server so your browser can send AJAX request in order to load files from your filesystem.

I have to assume the following setup: You have mxGraph running in a folder in the file index.html and the same folder contains another folder containing your xmls. Like this:


This is were you execute the command to start the server. Now you can reach your application here: localhost:8000/index.html

You were right by adding a GET parameter in order to identify the file on your hard drive.

for example: localhost:8000/index.html?xml=1.xml

For this example to work the structure should be comparable to the GraphEditor ( It would be a good idea to clone this project and play around with it.

Now in your index.html you might add something like this:

function open_xml_on_init(editorUi) {
var xml_file_path = 'xml/' + urlParams['xml'];
if (urlParams['xml'] != null && urlParams['xml'].length > 0) {
    var splitted = xml_file_path.split('/');
    var only_name = splitted[splitted.length - 1];
    editorUi.editor.filename = only_name;
    var req = mxUtils.get(xml_file_path, mxUtils.bind(this, function (req) {
        if (req.request.status >= 200 && req.request.status <= 299) {
            if (req.request.response.length > 0) {
                try {
                    var xmlElem = mxUtils.parseXml(req.request.response).documentElement;

                catch (e) {
                finally {

Run this method somewhere in your index.html and you are good to go!
