I have three tables that store: TENANT, ROOMMATE and PERSON records.
The schema is as below:
Table: Tenant
HMYPERSON SCODE sFirstName sLastName
1 t0011 fName lName
Table: room
9458 1 Roommate
1024 1 Other
1025 1 Roommate
1026 1 Guarantor
Table: Person
9458 r0011 roommate1 roommate1Fname 93
1024 r0012 roommate2 roommate2Fname 93
1025 r0013 roommate3 roommate3Fname 93
1026 r0014 roommate4 roommate4Fname 90
TENANT table contains the TENANT records. ROOM table contains occupants record. And PERSON table contains all types of people in it (TENANT, ROOMMATE, VENDOR etc.)
HMYTENANT in ROOM table is a foreign key of TENANT table (HMYPERSON)
HMYPERSON in ROOM table is a foreign key of PERSON table (HMY)
IPERSONTYPE in PERSON table specifies what type of person record it is. (93 is roommate and 90 is a Guarantor)
I want to display all the tenant and their roommate names in a single row. All the roommates should be displayed in the same row and in separate columns. (One column for each roommate)
I have written a query that gives me the list of roommates, but in rows.
Here is what I have written:
Select t.scode, t.sLastname + ' ' + t.sFIRSTNAME TenantName, p.ULASTNAME + ' ' + p.sFIRSTNAME RoommateName
from tenant t
join room r on r.hmytenant = t.hmyperson
left join person p on p.hmy = r.hmyperson and (r.sRelationship <> 'Guarantor' or p.IPERSONTYPE<>90)
where t.hmyperson=1
This gives me output like below:
scode Tenantname RoommateName
t0011 lName fName roommate1 roommate1Fname
t0011 lName fName roommate2 roommate2Fname
t0011 lName fName roommate3 roommate3Fname
But I want it like:
scode Tenantname Roommate1 Roommate2 Roommate3
Up to 5 roommates is sufficient.
Appreciate your help.