During development of a recent feature for my iPad app, I realized that the new iOS5 keyboard docking/splitting behavior was causing huge issues. I use an inputAccessoryView for the keyboard with a text field on it similar to Safari's find on page feature. I display the keyboard over a scrollable UIWebView, so part my troubles come from having a shrunken UIWebview when the keyboard is docked and having a (mostly) fullscreen webview when it is undocked.
The main issues I have run into with the API are that the new UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification and UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification notifications are a step back from the previous API at best, and have garbage data that makes it nearly impossible to understand what the keyboard is really doing in many cases.
Can any of the following keyboard behaviors be recognized without arduously examining the begin/end frames that come back on the notifications?
- Keyboard Undocks
- Keyboard Docks
- Keyboard Splits/Unsplits
- Undocked Keyboard Shows
- Undocked Keyboard Hides
- View rotates while keyboard is undocked
I've come up with some abstractions to recognize frames that are docked or offscreen, but even with that, my code is becoming very unmanageable. If you've found better ways to do this, please answer or comment. I hope I'm missing something here. Thanks.