I face above issue when try to sort based on an embedded field;
eg: I try to sort with the property tObservation.raw.waterLevel.metre
But getting following exception.
Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: Criteria objects cannot be created directly on components. Create a criteria on owning entity and use a dotted property to access component property: tObservation.raw
at org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaQueryTranslator.getPathInfo(CriteriaQueryTranslator.java:251)
I create aliases like;
criteria.createAlias("tObservation", "0").createAlias("0.raw","1").createAlias("1.waterLevel","2").addOrder(Order.asc("2.meter"))
Why I get that exception?
The above code is working for two levels
eg: tObservation.id
p.s: If I try like;(without aliases)
I get same exception.
My class structure
class tank {
Observation tObservation;
class Observation {
RawObservation raw;
class RawObservation{
Length waterLevel;
class Length{
BigDecimal metre