Is it possible to create ionic2 project with cordo

2019-09-14 17:53发布


I need this because I am trying to problem in adding sqlite plugin to the project and compile for windows 10 platform. And according to research this is a bug in Cordova-windows 4.4.3 that was resolved to version 5.0.0.

More by applying the command ionic platform add windows to add the windows platform the added platform is the 4.4.3:

> ...
> Windows project created with cordova-windows@4.4.3
> ...

So how could I make version cordova-windows@5.0.0 used to create the project for the windows platform?


Indeed, add this line to config.xml:

<engine name="windows" spec="5.0.0" />

also you might want to specify the target version, for instance:

<preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />