I am have a form that look something like this:
I want the input.variable I am going to throw into localStorage based on the number of boxes filled out and the radio boxes checked. It would apply as follows:
-Radio Buttons-
One Name Typed in:
na : Name
F: Name and friend
F+ Name and friends
Two Names typed in:
na: Name and Name
F: Name, Name and friend
F+: Name, Name and friends
Three Names typed in:
na: Name, Name and Name
F: Name, Name Name and friend
F+: Name, Name, Name and friends
Four Names typed in:
na: Name, Name, Name and Name
F: Name, Name, Name, Name and friend
F+: Name, Name, Name, Name and friends
What would be the best way to approach this? I am trying to think of the most efficient way to write this beyond multiple if/then/else statements.