I'm a beginner in programming . There is a script which returns the found range of values by highlighting the desired row. author @Jack Brown. I made small additions. Here is a script with which I'm working now. The question: how to add to the delivery of the text ("N1:V15") images from the range(“ W3:W17”)? that's the expected result Thank you!
function doGet(e)
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1siy44rpMtdLmcCMUiopQ__Z13KkFnB_HMJhiJ_Qv0QY");
sheet.getRange("A2").setValue(e.parameter.p1) ;
var n= sheet.getRange("N1:V15").getValues();
var h= sheet.getRange("L2").getValue(); //Line number for selection
var z= sheet.getRange("M2").getValue();
if (z==="#N/A"){return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("Code not found");
var retStr ="<style> .tcol { font: 10pt arial;font-weight: bold; color : DarkBlue; } </style> <table>"
for(var i = 0 ; i< n.length ; i++){
if ( i != h) {
retStr +="<tr><td>"+ n[i].join("</td><td>") +"</td></tr>"
} else {
retStr +="<tr><td class = 'tcol'>" + n[i].join("</td><td class = 'tcol'>") +"</td></div></tr>"
retStr += "</table>"
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(retStr)
Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1siy44rpMtdLmcCMUiopQ__Z13KkFnB_HMJhiJ_Qv0QY/edit?usp=sharing