I want to actually check, that the selected attribute has been rendered with a true instead of an undefined.
My working (manually tested) Component functionality:
export class PlayerSelectorComponent implements OnInit {
players: any = []
toggleSelectPlayer( player: any ) {
if (player.selected) {
player.selected = false
else {
player.selected = true
Here is the template:
<ul class="list-group">
<player-row *ngFor="let player of players"
(click) = "toggleSelectPlayer(player)">
Here is the test code:
it( 'should render a player as selected after a user clicks on the player row', fakeAsync( () => {
let player = fixture.debugElement.query( By.css( '.player-row' ) )
expect( player.attributes.selected ).toBe( undefined )
player.triggerEventHandler( 'click', null )
player = fixture.debugElement.query( By.css( '.player-row' ) )
expect( player.attributes.selected ).toBeTruthy() // Expected undefined to be truthy
} ) )
In the last line of the code, you can see, that my tests do not detect that the player.attributes.selected is actually changed after the click. It remains to be undefined..