How to get non-current thread's stacktrace?

2019-01-17 00:08发布


It is possible to get stacktrace using System.Diagnostics.StackTrace, but thread has to be suspended. Suspend and Resume function are obsolete, so I expect that better way exists.


According to C# 3.0 in a Nutshell, this is one of the few situations where it is okay to call Suspend/Resume.


Here's what's worked for me so far:

StackTrace GetStackTrace (Thread targetThread)
    StackTrace stackTrace = null;
    var ready = new ManualResetEventSlim();

    new Thread (() =>
        // Backstop to release thread in case of deadlock:
        Thread.Sleep (200);
        try { targetThread.Resume(); } catch { }

    try { stackTrace = new StackTrace (targetThread, true); }
    catch { /* Deadlock */ }
        try { targetThread.Resume(); }
        catch { stackTrace = null;  /* Deadlock */  }

    return stackTrace;

If it deadlocks, the deadlock is automatically freed and you get back a null trace. (You can then call it again.)

I should add that after a few days of testing, I've only once been able to create a deadlock on my Core i7 machine. Deadlocks are common, though, on single-core VM when the CPU runs at 100%.


This is an old Thread, but just wanted to warn about the proposed solution: The Suspend and Resume solution does not work - I just experienced a deadlock in my code trying the sequence Suspend/StackTrace/Resume.

The Problem is that StackTrace constructor does RuntimeMethodHandle -> MethodBase conversions, and this changes a internal MethodInfoCache, which takes a lock. The deadlock occurred because the thread I was examining also was doing reflection, and was holding that lock.

It is a pity that the suspend/resume stuff is not done inside the StackTrace constructor -then this problem could easily have been circumvented.


As mentioned in my comment, the proposed solution does still have a tiny probability for a deadlock. Please find my version below.

private static StackTrace GetStackTrace(Thread targetThread) {
using (ManualResetEvent fallbackThreadReady = new ManualResetEvent(false), exitedSafely = new ManualResetEvent(false)) {
    Thread fallbackThread = new Thread(delegate() {
        while (!exitedSafely.WaitOne(200)) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception) {/*Whatever happens, do never stop to resume the target-thread regularly until the main-thread has exited safely.*/}
    fallbackThread.Name = "GetStackFallbackThread";
    try {
        //From here, you have about 200ms to get the stack-trace.
        StackTrace trace = null;
        try {
            trace = new StackTrace(targetThread, true);
        } catch (ThreadStateException) {
            //failed to get stack trace, since the fallback-thread resumed the thread
            //possible reasons:
            //1.) This thread was just too slow (not very likely)
            //2.) The deadlock ocurred and the fallbackThread rescued the situation.
            //In both cases just return null.
        try {
        } catch (ThreadStateException) {/*Thread is running again already*/}
        return trace;
    } finally {
        //Just signal the backup-thread to stop.
        //Join the thread to avoid disposing "exited safely" too early. And also make sure that no leftover threads are cluttering iis by accident.

I think, the ManualResetEventSlim "fallbackThreadReady" is not really necessary, but why risk anything in this delicate case?


I think that if you want to do this without the cooperation of the target thread (such as by having it call a method that blocks it on a Semaphore or something while your thread does the stacktrace) you'll need to use the deprecated APIs.

A possible alternative is the use the COM-based ICorDebug interface that the .NET debuggers use. The MDbg codebase might give you a start:



It looks like this was a supported operation in the past, but unfortunately, Microsoft made this obsolete: