Consider this code attempting to create an Active Directory account. It's generating an exception here with a certain set of data. It's not clear right now what's causing the exception.
var user = new UserPrincipal(someValidUserContext,
".x-xyz-t-FooFooBarTest", "somePwd", true);
user.UserPrincipalName = "";
user.SamAccountName = ".x-xyz-t-FooFooBarTest";
user.DisplayName = "Some String 16 chars long";
user.Name = "Some String 16 chars long";
user.Description = "Foo BarBaz 12 more characters";
user.AccountExpirationDate = someDateInFuture;
user.UserCannotChangePassword = true;
// exception thrown on Save():
// A device attached to the system is not functioning
PrincipalOperationException was unhandled by user code: A device attached to the system is not functioning
What's causing this exception, and how can you work around it?