I'm using REDHAWK 2.0.4 on CentOS 7
I'm trying to follow the tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SttCsAIQtSA At 11:14 they add a device dependency to the xml file:
<usesdevice id="device_connection">
<propertyref refid="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d"
And this
<connectinterface id="device_connection_1">
<deviceusedbyapplication usesrefid="device_connection"/>
<componentinstationref refid="TuneFilterDecimate_1"/>
When I do the same thing, I'm given the error from the title:
The required feature ' refId' of 'Device Used By Application' must be set
I thought "DeviceUsedByApplication" used "usesrefid", maybe this error is caused by something else?