Symfony 2 Exception: Class not found in Controller

2019-09-14 11:17发布


Okay so, I'm trying to create a new object of the class "Engineering_Detail" inside my custom action "next", the problem is, even though I'm using "Use ....\Entity\Engineering_Detail" it throws that error on the line i'm doing $detail = new Engineering_Detail();

FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Entity\Engineering_Detail' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\EngMgmt\src\Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Controller\EngineeringController.php line 403

The line 403 is $detail = new Engineering_Detail();

Here's the important controller bits:


namespace Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Entity\Engineering;
use Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Form\EngineeringType;
use Mine\Bundle\EngMgmtBundle\Entity\Engineering_Detail;
 * Engineering controller.
 * @Route("/engineering")
class EngineeringController extends Controller
     * Updates a Engineering entity.
     * @Route("/{id}/next/", name="engineering_next")
     * @Method("POST")
     * @Template("MineEngMgmtBundle:Engineering:update.html.twig")
   public function nextAction(Request $request, $id){
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        $entity = $em->getRepository('MineEngMgmtBundle:Engineering')->find($id);

        $current_form = $this->getForm($entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder()); 

        $detail = new Engineering_Detail();

        if ($current_form->isValid()) {

            $data = $current_form->getData();

            switch ($entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder()){

                case 1:

                 if (($data["sitesurvey"]) == 'n'){
                     $status = $em->getRepository('MineEngMgmtBundle:Status')->findBy(array('internalOrder' => 8));
                     $next_form = $this->getForm($entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder());
                     $status = $em->getRepository('MineEngMgmtBundle:Status')->find(2);
                     $next_form = $this->getForm($entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder());


                     $status = $em->getRepository('MineEngMgmtBundle:Status')->findBy(array('internalOrder' => $entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder()+1));
                     $next_form = $this->getForm($entity->getStatus()->getInternalOrder());

                     $detail->setUpdatedDate(new \DateTime());
            return array(
                        'entity' => $entity,
                        'form'   => $next_form->createView()

I already checked this and verified but everything seems okay. That entity was generated using the tools inside the SF2 console. What am I doing wrong?

Note: I have already deleted cache


Tried with all other entities, using the same namespace and just changing the entity's name, and declaring objects, it seems the issue it's just with the entities with the _ in their name.


you are mixing PSR namespacing and class naming. The reason why it cannot be found is because your Entity should be called EngineeringDetail to be properly found by the autoloader.


Fixed by deleting the _ in the entity name and changing all of its occurrences