
problem with ToolStripSeparator

2019-09-14 10:13发布


I have a toolstrip. For this toolstrip, I am adding ToolStripSplitButton and for this ToolStripSplitButton, I am adding toolstrip items, including ToolStripSeparator. In the click event of the toolstrip items I am retrieving items from the ToolStripSplitButton dropdown using below code.

 ToolStripDropDown tditems = ((System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDownItem)(items[0])).DropDown;
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in tditems.Items)
//something here

As the dropdown items have both toolstrip items and ToolStripSeparator at runtime, it is giving following error.

Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem'.

Can anybody help me?



If you are using .NET 3.5, you could use the OfType extension method as follows.

foreach (var item in tditems.Items.OfType<ToolStripMenuItem>())
    // something here