I want to insert some values to the database where i have got those values by doing some calculations.so right now i can view those values in a html report.but what i want to do is insert those multiple values to the database.there are 50 persons.so i want to add all the details of these 50 persons at same time by just clicking a button.how can i do this?what could be my controller view and model.
Here are the values that i get after the calculations in controller
$sheet_data[] = array(
"employee_id" => $emp,
"name" => $allEmp->name,
"gender" => $allEmp->gender,
"br_allow" => $allEmp->allowance,
"work_days" => $working_days,
"holiday_ot_hrs" => $holiday_ot_hrs,
"holiday_ot_dys" => $holiday_ot_dys,
"holiday_ot_amount" => $holiday_ot_amount
you can create array like this for batch insert
$data = array(
'employee_id' => $emp ,
'name' => $allEmp->name, ,
'gender' => $allEmp->gender,
'employee_id' => $emp ,
'name' => $allEmp->name, ,
'gender' => $allEmp->gender,
$this->db->insert_batch('mytable', $data);
using batch insert you can insert multiple records
for more details refer this link : https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/database/query_builder.html
Hope this will help you.
First of all you have to create array for your records.
$sheet_data[0] = array(
"employee_id" => $emp,
"name" => $allEmp->name,
"gender" => $allEmp->gender,
"br_allow" => $allEmp->allowance,
"work_days" => $working_days,
"holiday_ot_hrs" => $holiday_ot_hrs,
"holiday_ot_dys" => $holiday_ot_dys,
"holiday_ot_amount" => $holiday_ot_amount
$sheet_data[1] = array(
"employee_id" => $emp,
"name" => $allEmp->name,
"gender" => $allEmp->gender,
"br_allow" => $allEmp->allowance,
"work_days" => $working_days,
"holiday_ot_hrs" => $holiday_ot_hrs,
"holiday_ot_dys" => $holiday_ot_dys,
"holiday_ot_amount" => $holiday_ot_amount
$sheet_data[2] = array(
"employee_id" => $emp,
"name" => $allEmp->name,
"gender" => $allEmp->gender,
"br_allow" => $allEmp->allowance,
"work_days" => $working_days,
"holiday_ot_hrs" => $holiday_ot_hrs,
"holiday_ot_dys" => $holiday_ot_dys,
"holiday_ot_amount" => $holiday_ot_amount
$sheet_data[50] = array(
"employee_id" => $emp,
"name" => $allEmp->name,
"gender" => $allEmp->gender,
"br_allow" => $allEmp->allowance,
"work_days" => $working_days,
"holiday_ot_hrs" => $holiday_ot_hrs,
"holiday_ot_dys" => $holiday_ot_dys,
"holiday_ot_amount" => $holiday_ot_amount
Now pass those array and table name to insert_batch function.
$this->db->insert_batch('yourtable', $sheet_data);
$this->db->insert_batch('mytable', $data);