php zip include only new files

2019-09-14 06:10发布


I've run into an issue with the php zip library causing an error 500 if the file is growing to larger than 500MB, probably memory related...

But I tried to cmd line the zip creation, which works well on my server.

// Make Zip name
$zipname = "";

// Make a zip file
$cmd = `zip -r $zipname * -x filelist.php -x $zipname`;
    echo 'zip created';
    echo 'failed';  


I know how to exclude files and folders, but is there a way to zip only files based on the modified time using this approach?

I've googled for hours and came up empty.

for the sake of it, here's the code that was creating the error 500. My site is about 1.8GB, it always errors at 500MB~. I should note the error log is blank, so the cause of the error I'm just assuming to be RAM limit problems.

    $zip = new ZipArchive;
    $zip_name = "";
    $res = $zip->open($zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);

 * Real Recursive Directory Iterator
class RRDI extends RecursiveIteratorIterator {
   * Creates Real Recursive Directory Iterator
   * @param string $path
   * @param int $flags
   * @return DirectoryIterator
  public function __construct($path, $flags = 0) {
    parent::__construct(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, $flags));

 * Real RecursiveDirectoryIterator Filtered Class
 * Returns only those items which filenames match given regex
class AdvancedDirectoryIterator extends FilterIterator {
   * Regex storage
   * @var string
  private $regex;
   * Creates new AdvancedDirectoryIterator
   * @param string $path, prefix with '-R ' for recursive, postfix with /[wildcards] for matching
   * @param int $flags
   * @return DirectoryIterator
  public function  __construct($path, $flags = 0) {
    if (strpos($path, '-R ') === 0) { $recursive = true; $path = substr($path, 3); }
    if (preg_match('~/?([^/]*\*[^/]*)$~', $path, $matches)) { // matched wildcards in filename
      $path = substr($path, 0, -strlen($matches[1]) - 1); // strip wildcards part from path
      $this->regex = '~^' . str_replace('*', '.*', str_replace('.', '\.', $matches[1])) . '$~'; // convert wildcards to regex 
      if (!$path) $path = '.'; // if no path given, we assume CWD
    parent::__construct($recursive ? new RRDI($path, $flags) : new DirectoryIterator($path));
   * Checks for regex in current filename, or matches all if no regex specified
   * @return bool
  public function accept() { // FilterIterator method
    return $this->regex === null ? true : preg_match($this->regex, $this->getInnerIterator()->getFilename());

foreach (new AdvancedDirectoryIterator('-R *') as $i){
    //$fullpath = str_replace(',','',$i->getPath()).'/'.$i->getFilename();
    //echo $fullpath.'<br />';
    if ($i->isFile() && $i->getFilename()!='filelist.php') {
        //echo $i->getFilename() . " " . $i->getMTime() . "<br />";
            $array[] = substr($i->getPathname(), 2);                    

// will output all php files in CWD and all subdirectories

        foreach($array as $files) {
            $zip_array[] = files;

        echo 'done';            



You can use the -t or -tt option for the zip command and have your modifed date stored as a variable or just pass one in.

-t with the format mmddyyyy for from-date

-tt with the format mmddyyyy for before-date

//Zips up all files in current directory that were dated 08152013 or later

zip -r -t 08152013 $zipname * -x filelist.php -x $zipname

标签: php zip