I am going crazy over this issue and would really love some help, as I read countless posts on similar issues but I found no solution to my particular problem. I am on Windows 10 with Anaconda 1.6.2 and Python 2.7.13.
I created a new environment in conda (called AntennaTracking) that I want to activate, while deactivating the default environment called root. When I type "conda info --envs" I get both the environments with a * in front of root, showing that both exist and that root is activated and Antennatracking is not.
I tried using "activate AntennaTracking" and "deactivate root" in a cmd prompt (and every syntax variation...) and it says that activate/deactivate is not recognized as an internal or external command or an executable file.
I noticed that the cmd prompt is looking for the command in C:\Users\Antoine\Anaconda2\Scripts (which is in the root environment) eventhough the actual script files are not in it, but in C:\Users\Antoine\Anaconda2\envs\AntennaTracking\Scripts (so in the new environment).
I found plenty of posts saying that you have to modify the PATH environment variables of the system, which I have tried. I added C:\Users\Antoine\Anaconda2\envs\AntennaTracking\Scripts to the PATH, but the cmd prompt still looks for activate/deactivate in C:\Users\Antoine\Anaconda2\Scripts.
From what I understand, it doesn't matter where the actual activate/deactivate script is located for it to be used on any environment, as long as the cmd prompt knows to find it. Is that even true?
In any case, I am open for every suggestion you might have and help is greatly appreciated. I have tried too many things to keep track of them all, so shoot.
I am sorry if I am forgetting to include some information in this question. Here are screenshots of the cmd prompt error cmd and my current PATH PATH (sorry for the French ...)
Thank you!