
How to extract the IV vector generated by encrypt

2019-09-14 04:47发布


I'm having troubles to extract the IV generated with the encrypt method from encrypted_strings library for a specific password I provide. From the documentation, I see that this method generates a key and iv based on a password using a C library that calls the same method as openssl to generate the key and iv: EVP_BytesToKey.

What I'm trying to do is to be able to print the IV for any password I specify so I can port the encryption to another language.

Can you think of any method to extract/print this IV vector from a password?

These are the details of the algorithm, mode and padding this library uses:


The ruby script below prints out the encrypted message but no clue which iv was used.

require 'encrypted_strings'

data = 'Whackabad'
password = 'bAJLyifeUJUBFWdHzVbykfDmPHtLKLMzViHW9aHGmyTLD8hGYZ'

encrypted_data = data.encrypt(:symmetric, :password => password)
printf "Data: #{data}\n"
printf "Encrypted Data: #{encrypted_data}"

I tried to use openssl as it allows me to print the iv and key generated using -p option but it uses a PKCS7 padding instead of PKCS5. So if I run the command below, doesn't print the same encrypted string as the ruby code above.

echo -n 'Whackabad' | openssl enc -des-ede3-cbc -nosalt -a -k bAJLyifeUJUBFWdHzVbykfDmPHtLKLMzViHW9aHGmyTLD8hGYZ

NOTE: -a: base64 encode, -k: password, and echo -n: removes the new line from the string so its exactly the same size as the ruby in string.

If I add -nopad option, I don't know how to pad the output to get exactly the same encrypted result.

Any help would be much appreciated


PKCS7 padding is basically the same as PKCS5. The reason you get a different result on the command line is that it only uses a single hash iteration, where the function used by encrypted_strings does 2048 iterations by default.

The function used, EVP_BytesToKey is described in the OpenSSL wiki, which include details of the algorithm. Reproducing it in Ruby might look something like this (using MD5 and 2048 iterations):

def hash(d, count)
  count.times do
    d = OpenSSL::Digest.digest('md5', d)

password = 'bAJLyifeUJUBFWdHzVbykfDmPHtLKLMzViHW9aHGmyTLD8hGYZ'

bytes = ''
last = ''

# For des-ede3-cbc, 24 byte key + 8 byte IV = 32 bytes.
while bytes.length < 32
  last = hash(last + password, 2048)
  bytes << last

key = bytes[0...24]
iv = bytes[24..-1]

You can use these values to decrypt the result of your code (add require 'base64' first):

# This is the result of your code:
encrypted_data = "AEsDXVcgh2jsTjlDgh+REg=="

# enrypted_strings produces base64 encoded results, so we decode first
encrypted_data = Base64.decode64(encrypted_data)

cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('des-ede3-cbc')
cipher.key = key
cipher.iv = iv

plain = cipher.update(encrypted_data) + cipher.final

puts plain #=> "Whackabad"