I'm creating an online competition where entrants are allocated to a judge, and this judge decides if they proceed to the next round.
Once the first round closes, the second round is prepared in the database as follows:
Each contestant/entrant who is put through to round 2 is allocated to 5 judges. These judges should be allocated based on how many contestants are already allocated to them. In other words, each judge should have a similar number of people to judge in round two.
At present I have the following SQL statement in a stored procedure, which is called 1 time when the competition is moved to round 2:
INSERT INTO recEntrantStatus (entrantId, roundId, judgeId, notified, voted, enterNextRound)
(@input + 1),
j.Id /*Now getting tblJudges Id*/, -- fixed name
FROM recEntrantStatus r
-- Get all of the judges
CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP(5) MEM.Id, ISNULL(ES.EntrantCount, 0) EntrantCount
FROM recMembers MEM
SELECT judgeid, COUNT(judgeid) AS 'EntrantCount' -- name this
FROM recEntrantStatus
WHERE roundId = 1
GROUP BY judgeid
) ES ON MEM.Id = ES.judgeid
WHERE MEM.Privilege = 2
ORDER BY EntrantCount ) AS j
WHERE r.roundId = @input
AND r.voted = 1
AND r.enterNextround = 1
However, this only calculates the 5 judges on the one occasion and allocates these same 5 judges to every contestant. What I actually need however is for the 5 judges to be recalculated for every contestant moved into round 2.
Any suggestions for this would be appreciated.
So, the aim is to calculate how many records each judge has for the current round(roundId), then calculate/select the 5 judges with the fewest records. Then it should create 5 new records in the 'recEntrantStatus' table for the entrantId, with each record being the same except for the 'judgeId' column which will contain the relevant idea of one of the 5 judges. With five records in total, that means each contestant/entrant will have a record for each of 5 judges for the current round.
Then the process will be repeated for the next identified entrant/contestant(r.entrantId). Since we just added 5 new records, the 5 judges with the least number of contestants/records will have changed. So we determine who these are before creating a new row in the db for each of these 5 judges/ the contestant.