I would like to ask your assistance on how to calculate sha256 of large files in PHP. Currently, I used Amazon Glacier to store old files and use their API to upload the archive. Initially, I just used small files that cannot reach to MB-sized images. When I tried to upload more than 1MB, the API response said that the checksum I gave to them is different from what they had calculated.
Here is my code to upload the file:
//get the sha256 using the file path
$image = //image path;
$sha256 = hash_file("sha256", $image);
$archive = $glacier->uploadArchive([
'accountId' => '',
'body' => "",
'checksum' => $sha256,
'contentSHA256' => $sha256,
'sourceFile' => $image,
'vaultName' => 'my-vault'
And the error:
AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST https://glacier.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/vaults/70/archives` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:{"code":"InvalidParameterValueException","message":"Checksum mismatch: expected 9f1d4da29b6ec24abde48cb65cc32652ff589467 (truncated...)
I tried the function like below to check for the final hash but it seems it's not the right hash when I print it:
private function getFinalHash($file)
$fp = fopen($file, "r");
$ctx = hash_init('sha256');
while (!feof($fp)) {
$buffer = fgets($fp, 1024);
hash_update($ctx, $buffer);
$hash = hash_final($ctx, true); print_r($hash);exit;
The resulted hash is like this: ŸM¢›nÂJ½äŒ¶\Ã&RÿX”gíÖ'„IoA\C÷×
The Amazon Glacier API documentation shows how to compute the checksum as stated:
For each 1 MB chunk of payload data, compute the SHA-256 hash. The last chunk of data can be less than 1 MB. For example, if you are uploading a 3.2 MB archive, you compute the SHA-256 hash values for each of the first three 1 MB chunks of data, and then compute the SHA-256 hash of the remaining 0.2 MB data. These hash values form the leaf nodes of the tree.
I think there has something to with the correct way in providing the checksum but I don't know how I should do it with large files using PHP. I really need your help regarding this one.