I'd like to iterate through a very large set of records in orientdb. So that the result doesn't fill up my machine's memory, I've tried to implement paginated queries, but I seem to be getting back
- duplicated documents
- record sets shorter than the page size
- a infinite series of results
The original Java method listed in the docs is as follows:
OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument> query = new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from Customer LIMIT 20");
for (List<ODocument> resultset = database.query(query); !resultset.isEmpty(); resultset = database.query(query)) {
I've implemented this as scala:
val query = new OSQLSynchQuery[ODocument]("select from Thing LIMIT 5")
var resultset = db.query[OResultSet[ODocument]](query)
while (!resultset.isEmpty()) {
// process result set here
resultset = db.query(query)
Here's the full example
def makeThing(x:Int) ={
val doc = new ODocument("Thing")
val db: ODatabaseDocumentTx = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("memory:jsondb")
db.set(CLUSTERSELECTION, "round-robin")
db.set(CONFLICTSTRATEGY, "content")
db.set(CHARSET, "UTF-8")
for (x <- 0 until 12) {
val doc:ODocument = makeThing(x)
val saved = db.save[ODocument](doc)
val query = new OSQLSynchQuery[ODocument]("select from Thing LIMIT 5")
var resultset = db.query[OResultSet[ODocument]](query)
while (!resultset.isEmpty()) {
resultset = db.query(query)
But here's the output:
Thing#9:0{x:0} v1
Thing#10:0{x:1} v1
Thing#11:0{x:2} v1
Thing#9:1{x:3} v1
Thing#10:1{x:4} v1
Thing#11:1{x:5} v1
Thing#9:2{x:6} v1
Thing#10:2{x:7} v1
Thing#11:2{x:8} v1
Thing#9:3{x:9} v1
Thing#10:3{x:10} v1
Thing#11:3{x:11} v1
Thing#9:0{x:0} v1
Thing#9:1{x:3} v1
Thing#9:2{x:6} v1
Thing#9:3{x:9} v1
Thing#10:0{x:1} v1 # So far, so good...
Thing#9:0{x:0} v1 # Already seen this. I might have expected that last item of the previous set, but not the first. Perhaps I'm supposed to skip this?
Thing#10:1{x:4} v1
Thing#10:2{x:7} v1
Thing#10:3{x:10} v1
Thing#11:0{x:2} v1
Thing#9:0{x:0} v1 # Already seen this
Thing#11:1{x:5} v1
Thing#11:2{x:8} v1
Thing#11:3{x:11} v1 # Page cut short. Is because reached end of my data? Should I detect this as the end?
Thing#9:0{x:0} v1 # Already seen this! Only 1 item again.
Thing#9:1{x:3} v1 # Hmm... longer again. OK...?
Thing#9:2{x:6} v1
Thing#9:3{x:9} v1
Thing#10:0{x:1} v1
Thing#10:1{x:4} v1
... goes on forever...
Note that the DB is in memory, and no-one is simultaneously writing to the DB.
Using ODB client 2.1.19