Rails: How to render repetitive form block?

2019-09-14 02:17发布


In order to not repeat myself, I would like to create a function that render a form block (text field or text area) in a specific way. I want a result like this one (using Haml, and twitter-bootstrap):

    = f.text_field :name, :value => @store.name, :placeholder => 'Company Name'

To do that, I created a file views/layouts/_form-block.html.haml where I inserted the following code:

        %i{ :class => "icon icon-#{icon}" }
    = yield

And I call the block in my view using:

- render :template => 'layouts/_form-block', :locals => { :icon => 'home' } do
    = f.text_field :name, :value => @store.name, :placeholder => 'Company Name'

But It doesn't work. I have the following error 'nil' is not an ActiveModel-compatible object that returns a valid partial path.

Do you have any idea? Is this the best way to do?

Thanks in advance.


If you want to use = yield to pass a block, you need to render as a layout. Use render :layout => instead of render :template =>.