unable to import jquery dependencies in vue-brower

2019-09-14 00:24发布


I am using vue js browerify and i have installed jquery

i am using jquery as import $ from 'jquery and it works. To import anyother dependency like semantic.js or jquery.ui is it throwing errors.
I have read and tried all the related posts on stackoverflow.

when i do
import $ from 'jquery
import 'jquery-ui

it says jQuery in not defined.

i have tried the extend method. it still does not work. I also have tried to include the files on my index.html usng the <Script src> tag . and it says $ not defined.

please help.


When using jQuery as es6 module window.jQuery won't be available to other libraries requiring window.jQuery to be set, you need to define it yourself:

import $ from 'jquery'
window.$ = window.jQuery = $

import 'jquery-ui'
import '...'