I am using Magento 1.5 and have around 33,450 products on my site. 32000 are simple products attached to 1300 configurable products.
Now, the main problem is that I need to change the product image when my customer selects different color.
How can I do that?
I already installed http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/simple-configurable-products.html and this displays the prices of the simple products which is awesome. But I need it to display pictures of simple products as well.
Any idea how to do this?
Go to System > Configuration > SCP Products > SCP Cart > Show Configurable Product Image in Cart
and make sure that it's set to no.
The EComDev Smart Color Selector extension can do exactly that. We're using it on a couple of sites and it works great.
Here is basic idea behind Color Swatcher:
1> Hide the dropdown/select field of color attribute using css(style="display:none")
2> Get all the associated color products and loop over them to display the thumbnail
3> Trigger the select field value based on the click on the related thumbnail
4> That's all
Real implementation is upto you.