Using CHANGETABLE() on all tables

2019-09-13 19:44发布


I need to know which are the tables changed in the database using change tracking. Is there any table where i can find the last updated tables with the commit id? I can use select * from CHANGETABLE(CHANGES taitemnames,25262)ct order by sys_change_version desc but this requires me to run it once for every table to check for changes.


I'm not familiar with this feature, but if your issue is how to query multiple tables using CHANGETABLE() then I assume you could use a stored procedure to loop over all table names and run the query using dynamic SQL:

    @sql nvarchar(max), 
    @parameters nvarchar(max), 
    @TableName nvarchar(128), 
    @Version bigint


declare Tables cursor local fast_forward
select name from sys.tables where... -- add conditions here if necessary

open Tables
fetch next from Tables into @TableName
while @@fetch_status = 0
    set @sql = N'select * from CHANGETABLE(CHANGES ' + quotename(@TableName) + ', @LastVersion)ct order by sys_change_version desc'
    set @parameters = N'@LastVersion bigint'
    exec sp_executesql @sql, @parameters, @LastVersion = @Version
    fetch next from Tables into @TableName

close Tables
deallocate Tables

You could combine this with an INSERT in the dynamic SQL to write the results into a table that you then query for reporting and analysis.


Try sys.CHANGE_TRACKING_TABLES (documented on MSDN here).

You'll have to use OBJECT_NAME to get the table name from the first column.