I'm trying to setup a ActiveDirectoryUserStoreManager as a secondary user store. But I cannot seem to get the Role assignment of users correct.
What I have done so far: - Made the AD ldap-connection - Retrieved the users from the AD - Retrieved the roles from the AD - Can view Users that are connected to a specific role in API Manager Gui
My problem: When I go to a user and click "View Roles" in the API Manager Gui ({IP}:9443/carbon/user/user-mgt.jsp) I get a "No matching roles found" dialog. But when I go to a Role ({IP}:9443/carbon/role/role-mgt.jsp) and click "View Users" I can see that the user I "View Roles" of above is actually in that role.
So obviously I have some sort of miss connection between the Users that are connected to Roles and the Roles that are connected to a User. I just cannot figure out where I'm getting it wrong.
If anyone would give me any hint or even ask a question about something I haven't already tried that would be awesome!