I want to add some users who are in this file like:
a b
c d
e f
firstname lastname always
Lines=$(cat newusers.txt | wc -l)
first=$(cat newusers.txt | awk '{print $1}')
last=$(cat newusers.txt | awk '{print $2}')
echo $Lines;
echo $first;
echo $last;
until [ -z $1]; then
useradd - m -d /home/$1 -c "$1 + $2" $1
before loop it works fine but I can't add newline.
The echo shows a c e
and second for lastname b d f
I tried to add newline in but it doesn't works.
What can i use for this? Because I guess I can't add the user because of the newline problem.
I also searched on stackoverflow to find out a way to check if the user already exists by /dev/null
but which variable do i have to use for it?