
XDocument.Parse: Avoid replacing XXE references

2019-09-13 18:42发布


I'm trying to protect against malicious XXE injections in the XMLs processed by my app. Therefore I'm using XDocument instead of XmlDocument.

The XML represents the payload of a web request so I call XDocument.Parse on its string content. However, I'm seeing the XXE references contained in the XML (&XXE) being replaced in the result with the actual value of ENTITY xxe.

Is it possible to parse the XML with XDocument without replacing &xxe ?


EDIT: I managed to avoid the replacement of xxes in the XML using XmlResolver=null for XDocument.Load


Instead of Parse try to use Load with a pre-configured reader:

var xdoc = XDocument.Load(new XmlTextReader(
    new StringReader(xmlContent)) { EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities });

From MSDN:

When EntityHandling is set to ExpandCharEntities, the reader expands character entities and returns general entities as EntityReference nodes.


Use the following example to stop resolving XXE (schemas and DTD).

Dim objXmlReader As System.Xml.XmlTextReader = Nothing
objXmlReader = New System.Xml.XmlTextReader(_patternFilePath)
objXmlReader.XmlResolver = Nothing
patternDocument = XDocument.Load(objXmlReader)