I'm making a game, and that game requires a certain directory to be made in the AppData folder of the user's account. Now the problem is, I can't exactly know where to put it, as every user is different. This is on windows by the way. I want to know if I should write something special or...
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\%USER%\\AppData\\Roaming\\[gameName]");
Is there some special name that I have to give the "%USER%" (I just used that as an example), or is there something else I gotta do?
You can use the APPDATA environment variable which is usually "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming"
And you can get it using System.getenv() function :
String appData = System.getenv().get("APPDATA");
Look at this example (create a directory "myGame" and create a file "myGameFile" into this directory).
The code is awful but it's just to give you an idea of how it works.
String gameFolderPath, gameFilePath;
gameFolderPath = System.getenv().get("APPDATA") + "\\myGame";
gameFilePath = gameFolderPath + "\\myGameFile";
File gameFolder = new File(gameFolderPath);
if (!gameFolder.exists()) {
// Folder doesn't exist. Create it
if (gameFolder.mkdir()) {
// Folder created
File gameFile = new File(gameFilePath);
if (!gameFile.exists()) {
// File doesn't exists, create it
try {
if (gameFile.createNewFile()) {
// mGameFile created in %APPDATA%\myGame !
else {
// Error
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Handle exceptions here
else {
// File exists
else {
// Error
else {
// Folder exists
You can retrieve the current home user path using windows user.home
String homeFolder = System.getProperty("user.home")
- Firstly: You can not assume that C is the windows drive. The letter C for %HOMEDRIVE% is not mandatory.
- Secondly:
Neither can you assume that %USERHOME% is located on drive C:\ in folder Users.
- Thirdly: If you use your construct and the first both points apply, your data wont be synched to the server based profile within a windows domain.
Use the windows environment variable %APPDATA%.
It points to the path you want, but I am not certain that ALL windows versions have that variable.