Could someone help me get the odds of my lottery program to output the answer. my program is supposed to take two inputs: one being the amount of balls in the basket (i.e. 59 balls) and two being the amount of balls picked (i.e. 4 balls picked out of 59). The while loop is supposed to run until all balls are picked (i.e. 4 times) and then take the odds (1/59)*(1/58)*etc.. to print out. I think i got most of it to work i just can't figure out how to get the odds to print out. any help will be much appreciated. thank you.
prompt: .asciiz "Enter the max number: "
message: .asciiz "\nYour max number is: "
picksPrompt: .asciiz "Enter your amount of picks: "
picksMessage: .asciiz "\nYour number of picks number is: "
finalOdds: .asciiz "Your odds are: "
# prompt the use to enter max number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt
# get integer from the keyboard
li, $v0, 5
#store the max in $t0 (ie. 59 balls)
move $t0, $v0
# prompt the user to enter number of picks
li $v0, 4
la $a0, picksPrompt
# get integer from the keyboard
li, $v0, 5
#store the number of picks in $t1 (ie 3 picks)
move $t1, $v0
# display the max number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, message
#print or show the max number
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t0
# display the max number
li $v0, 4
la $a0, picksMessage
#print or show the max number
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t1
#li $t0 , 59 # values assignment to temporary registers
#li $t1 , 3
mtc1 $t0,$f0 # move from int register to float-point register
cvt.s.w $f0,$f0 #Convert int values to float-point values
mtc1 $t1,$f1
cvt.s.w $f1,$f1 # Convert int values to float-point values
li $t2 , 1
li $t3 , 1
mtc1 $t2, $f2
cvt.s.w $f2,$f2
mtc1 $t3, $f3
cvt.s.w $f3,$f3
li $t6 , 1
mtc1 $t6, $f6
cvt.s.w $f6,$f6
#Start of the while loop
li $t5, 0
mtc1 $t5, $f5
cvt.s.w $f5,$f5
while: $f1, $f5
bc1f endwhile
#checks the intital condition and if it's false jump to endwhile
div.s $f4,$f2,$f0 # $f4 = $f2/$f0
mul.s $f3, $f3 ,$f4 # $f3 = $f3 * $f4
sub.s $f0, $f0, $f6
sub.s $f1, $f1, $f6
b while # jump to label while
endwhile: # your code
# display the odds
li $v0, 4
la $f12, finalOdds
#print or show the odds
li $v0, 2
mov.s $f12, $f3 # Move contents of register $f3 to register $f12