I have upgraded by project from ree-1.8.7 to 1.9.2p429.
I have an attribute in my devise model named silhouette_user_id. In views and occasionally in my ruby code, calling
returns a different (and WRONG) value than
which returns the right value.
Though I could search and replace to fix this, I'm worried that other attributes will behave the same way. This is a LARGE project and I really need to determine why this is happening.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I solved this issue. During the upgrade I had tried to update how I was defining new methods for the User class. Unfortunately, I did it wrong. I used
def define_new_method(key, value)
self.class.send(:define_method, key.to_sym) do
which actually changed the methods for the CLASS User rather than the instance for which it was intended. Changing to this:
def define_new_method(key, value)
define_singleton_method key.to_sym, lambda { value }
resulted in the new methods being defined only for the instance intended and not for the current_user instance.