Java 1.8.0_131 + Windows Server 2012 R2.
'-Xmx=9000m'. But Windows Task Manager shows the java process uses more than 14 GB memory.
NMT shows "Internal" consumes more than 4.5 GB memory. Why does this occur? I understand it is not Java functionality to define spaces for the native memory. But is there any method to limit the 'Internal' memory?
Total: reserved=15782485KB, committed=14653869KB - Java Heap (reserved=9216000KB, committed=9216000KB) (mmap: reserved=9216000KB, committed=9216000KB)
Class (reserved=1277553KB, committed=260193KB) (classes #37738) (malloc=11889KB #64612) (mmap: reserved=1265664KB, committed=248304KB)
Thread (reserved=80528KB, committed=80528KB) (thread #79) (stack: reserved=79872KB, committed=79872KB) (malloc=244KB #398) (arena=412KB #157)
Code (reserved=166388KB, committed=55208KB) (malloc=10356KB #10526) (mmap: reserved=156032KB, committed=44852KB)
GC (reserved=340353KB, committed=340277KB) (malloc=3521KB #1861) (mmap: reserved=336832KB, committed=336756KB)
Compiler (reserved=290KB, committed=290KB) (malloc=160KB #947) (arena=130KB #2)
Internal (reserved=4513559KB, committed=4513559KB) (malloc=4513495KB #7980353) (mmap: reserved=64KB, committed=64KB)
Symbol (reserved=52759KB, committed=52759KB) (malloc=48180KB #563951) (arena=4579KB #1)
Native Memory Tracking (reserved=134867KB, committed=134867KB) (malloc=108KB #1634) (tracking overhead=134759KB)
Arena Chunk (reserved=190KB, committed=190KB) (malloc=190KB)