Populating Partial Views using mvc [duplicate]

2019-09-13 17:38发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Partial Views on mvc create view that use a dropdown list to populate the partial view's view bag is this possible in mvc? 2 answers
  • Refresh Partial View Div in MVC 5 1 answer

greeting again guys. First I have read over 20 post on this topic and at least 15 none stake exchange links as well as asked 5 question of my own regarding this.

First I just want to know can mvc populate a partial view with dynamic data while in the create view? If not then what I suspected was correct. This can only be down in webforms and I can drop this mvc app and just use webforms.

If it can can some one please show how to do this. Again here is everything that I have.

stating with the partial view code called

_PartVue that is stored in the shared folder of the mvc code behind folders this part view was build using the wizard

<table cellpadding="1" border="1">


    @foreach (System.Models.DATA_LIST item in @ViewBag.List)


In the Create View

This is where in the form that I want the partial view to show up on the create form

        <div class="col-sm-6">

            <div class="form-horizontal" style="display:none" id="PV_List">

                @{ Html.RenderAction("ShowList",);}


The java script code in the create view for the list to show after a drop down view is changed

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#RES_ID').change(function ()

            $.get('~/Views/Shared/_PartVue.cshtml', { VID: $(this).val() }, function (data) { $('#PV_List').html(data); });
            $("#PV_List").show(); // Shows Partial View


in the controller I have a function that makes a list and a function that uses something called return PartialView:

    public ActionResult ShowList(int? VID)

        ViewBag.DataList = Get_List(VID);
        return         PartialView("~/Views/Shared/_PartVue.cshtml",ViewBag.DataList);


Also the Get List function that populates the view bag data

    private List<LIST_DATA> GET_List(int? VID)

        return db.LIST_DATA.Where(i => i.ID == VID).ToList();

What I get on the create from are the fields but with no data. WHen is step into the code behhind I see that the right data is selected but it does not go no the partial view form.

Here is what I get.

In the google browser I get the following error: http://localhost:50296/PrograX/~/Views/Shared/_PartVue.cshtml?VID=808 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

This partial view is in the shared folder... so is mvc telling me thatit can't populate a partial view with dynamic data and that I need to use webforms instead of trying to use mvc?

thanks so much again. Hopefully this question better explain what it is I am trying to do and maybe I can get better guidance letting me know that it is not possible and that it can't be done in this platform. Thanks


First of all, You can specify which model you want to use in your partial view like this :

@model List <YourSolutionName.YourFolderNameWhereModelIs.YourModelName>

then you can use it in foreach as follows:

@if(Model.Count > 0)
 foreach(var item in Model)