I'm busy writing a sitecore solution to manage a news site. I have a NewsArticleLayout (used to display a NewsArticle item), with a NewsArticleMailPlaceholder which I want to use to display a form where a user can enter a name and email address where a news article link must be mailed to.
On the NewsArticleLayout page is already a NewsArticleSublayout with a phNewsArticle placeholder, which is currently correctly displaying data related to a news article.
When I try to link the form to this placeholder, I only seem to be able to link to placeholders in sublayouts, not in layouts, so I created a MailNewsArticleSublayout, and placed a phMailNewsArticle placeholder on it. Then I told the form to display on the NewsArticleLayout, using the MailNewsArticleSublayout, and the phMailNewsArticle placeholder.
However, when I view the page, my form doesn't display. I've done a full publish of my entire Sitecore content tree, nothing seems to fix it.
I've even added a phEmail placeholder to the NewsArticleSublayout, and linked this to the form layout details, but this also doesn't display anything.
Have I correctly setup my form's layout? Is there something I'm missing here?