grails ant task, set different envrionment

2019-09-13 08:42发布


Trying to create a grails ant task that has other environments besides prod for the war task.

i've tried

<target name="war" depends="-init-grails" description="--> Creates a WAR of a Grails application">
        <grails script="War" args="grails.env=${env} ${war.filename}"/>


<target name="war" depends="-init-grails" description="--> Creates a WAR of a Grails application">
        <grails script="War" args="-Dgrails.env=${env} ${war.filename}"/>

Neither of these two work and always just run the production env. Note that I've also hard coded ${env} so it's not that it's missing


I use a macrodef for this:

<property environment='env'/>

<property name='grails.home' value='${env.GRAILS_HOME}' />

<condition property='grails' value='grails.bat'>
   <os family='windows'/>
<property name='grails' value='grails' />

<macrodef name='grails'>
   <attribute name='action' />
   <attribute name='environment' default='dev' />
   <element name='preargs' optional='true' />
   <element name='args' optional='true' />
      <exec executable='${grails}' failonerror='true'>
         <preargs />
         <arg value='@{environment}'/>
         <arg value='@{action}'/>
         <args />

You can execute simple commands:

<grails action='clean' />

or more complex ones like your war task:

<grails action='war' environment='${env}'>
      <arg value="${war.filename}" />


you might want to look at grails scripting to solve your problem

it has wrapped ANT so you can utilize ant tasks inside the scripts and I believe you have access to the environment and lots of other "groovy" stuff

i think you can also do this if you are set on using ant, although I havent tried it with grails scripts

<exec executable="grails"  failonerror="true">
    <arg line='-c war grails.env=${env} ${war.filename}' />


if you go in your project directory and run "grails --integrate-with -ant" it will create a build.xml which will automatically use ivy to download dependencies, and grails, and creates the macro def for you.

You can use the build.xml as a starting point for your project

标签: grails ant