I an unable to run adb root
or any adb command. I get the following error. I set ADB_TRACE=1
C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb root
system/core/adb/adb.c::main():Handling commandline()
system/core/adb/adb_client.c::_adb_connect():_adb_connect: host:version
system/core/adb/sysdeps_win32.c::socket_loopback_client():socket_loopback_client: could not connect
to tcp:5037
system/core/adb/adb_client.c::adb_connect():adb_connect: service root:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
CreateProcess failure, error 2
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
I am using Windows 7.
From netstat -a
I don't see anything else using port 5037. When I run adb, I observe that adb momentarily is displayed on Task Manager, but then it goes away. Windows Firewall is turned off. I get the same results if I run cmd
as administrator.
You need to make sure that all your development tools use the same version of adb
One easy way to do that is to open the Command Prompt
window as Administrator and run these 2 commands to delete all copies:
taskkill /f /im adb.exe
for %a in ("%systemroot%" "%userprofile%" "%path:;=";"%") do @del /q /f /s "%~a\adb.exe" "%~a\adbwinapi.dll" "%~a\adbwinusbapi.dll" 2>nul
Then reinstall the latest version of the platform-tools
package from the SDK Manager or manually by downloading and unzipping the package file (check adb
info page for the link) into the %ANDROID_SDK_HOME%
Also make sure that %ANDROID_SDK_HOME%\platform-tools
folder is included in your %PATH%
I solved this problem long ago, but did not update this question.
I was having this issue because I was running the incorrect adb executable. I had one executable in C:\Windows\system32
and another in a different directory. The version in C:\Windows\system32
had did not have all the files needed by adb whereas the version in the other directory did. I'm not sure what those files were, but the adb executable was the same version in both directories. Since C:Windows\system32
was in the PATH first, that version was executed first. I removed adb from the Windows directory, and the problem went away.
I faced the same issue, to solve it, I have uninstalled the package Platform-tools on the SDK manager -> SDK tools and re-installed it.
Now, It's working correctly.
I just solved this issue by going to Task Manager and killing all the adb' then it works like a charm.
I solved this by going to the actual platform-tools directory.
Default path is C:\Users[youruser]\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
Apparently it won't start unless you change to that directory.
You can try this solution: Move the adb.exe and adbwinapi.dll to X:\Windows\system
It worked for me
I got the same problem, BTW I am using win7 64bit.
solved it like this:
Move the adb.exe and adbwinapi.dll to X:\Windows\SysWOW64
hope useful