I have a view that's doing a fetch() to a collection and returning some models from the server.
ProductsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.collection = new ProductCollection();
this.collection.fetch({data: {limit : this.options.limit}});
render: function() {
var template = _.template( $("#product-template").html(), this );
$(this.el).html( template );
return this;
In the console.log above, I see the object like this:
_byCid: Object
_byId: Object
length: 7
models: Array[7]
__proto__: x
The models
is there, but when I do console.log(this.collection.models)
it shows just []
, inside the models, is an array of objects like this:
models: Array[7]
0: d
1: d
2: d
3: d
4: d
5: d
6: d
Each of these have attributes
with the values that were returned.
Any idea why the models won't show when I use this.collection.models
or using get()
doesn't work either.
Thanks a lot!