I am trying to write a cordova hybrid application test application on MobileFirst platform. In my challenge handler, I have included a code to send a login information to my authentication server using submitLoginForm() java script API.
I check using wireshark if any auth request to my authentication server is getting generated, but it does not.
Can you please help me identify the issue with my code?
I can see the alert until Inside handleChallenge3, but does not see the alert for Closing Challenge Handler.
One more thing, I am trying to use isCustomResponse() API just to see what kind of challenge/response is coming to my challenge handler, but it seems not to be getting triggered. Has this been deprecated in MobileFirst Platform 8?
var LtpaAuthChallengeHandler = function(){
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createWLChallengeHandler("LtpaBasedSSO");
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.isCustomResponse = function(transport) {
alert ("Inside isCustomResponse");
return true;
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.loginResponse = function(response) {
alert ("Inside loginResponse");
alert ("After loginResponse");
// handleFailure
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.handleFailure = function(error) {
// WL.Logger.debug("Challenge Handler Failure!");
if(error.failure !== null && error.failure !== undefined){
else {
alert("Unknown error");
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.handleChallenge = function(challenge) {
alert ("Inside handleChallenge");
var msg = "";
alert ("Inside handleChallenge1");
var options = {
"headers" : {},
"parameters" : {
"username" : "admin",
"password" : "admin",
'login-form-type' : 'pwd'
alert ("Inside handleChallenge2");
var loginUrl = "<URI for forms based auth of auth server>";
alert ("Inside handleChallenge3");
LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.submitLoginForm (loginUrl, options, LtpaAuthChallengeHandler.loginResponse);
alert ("Closing Challenge Handler");