I have a list of 1700 samples in a data frame where every row represents the number of colorful items that every assistant has counted in a random number of specimens from different boxes. There are two available colors and two individuals counting the items so this could easily create a 2x2 contingency table.
Box-ID 1_Red 1_Blue 2_Red 2_Blue
1 1075 918 29 26
2 903 1076 135 144
I would like to know how can I treat every row as a contigency table (either vector or matrix) in order to perform a chi-square test (like Fisher's or Barnard's) and generate a sixth column with p-values. This is what I've tried so far, but I am not sure if it's correct
df$p-value = chisq.test(t(matrix(c(df[,1:4]), nrow=2)))$p.value