I'm trying to create a TreeView
which displays directory contents such as:
Where ABC and BCD are both directories. I feel like I'm missing something as the TreeView
works fine before I strip out the full directory location but once I strip it, it won't display like the above.
public void displayTreeView(String inputDirectoryLocation, CheckBoxTreeItem<String> mainRootItem) {
// Creates the root item.
CheckBoxTreeItem<String> rootItem = new CheckBoxTreeItem<>(inputDirectoryLocation);
// Hides the root item of the tree view.
// Creates the cell factory.
// Get a list of files.
File fileInputDirectoryLocation = new File(inputDirectoryLocation);
File fileList[] = fileInputDirectoryLocation.listFiles();
// Loop through each file and directory in the fileList.
for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
// Check if fileList[i] is a file or a directory.
if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) {
// Re-iterate through as is directory.
displayTreeView(fileList[i].toString(), rootItem);
} else {
// Check the file type of the file.
String fileType = Util.retrieveFileType(fileList[i].toString());
// Check if the file type is the same file type we are searching for. In the future we just add the or symbol to support other file types.
if (fileType.equals(".php")) {
// Creates the item.
CheckBoxTreeItem<String> fileCheckBoxTreeItem = new CheckBoxTreeItem<>(fileList[i].getName());
// Adds to the treeview.
// Check if the mainRootItem has been specified.
if (mainRootItem == null) {
// Sets the tree view root item.
} else {
// Creates the root item.
CheckBoxTreeItem<String> dirCheckBoxTreeItem = new CheckBoxTreeItem<>(fileInputDirectoryLocation.getName());
// Sets the sub-root item.