Is it possible to extract all of the VBA code from a Word 2007 "docm" document using the API?
I have found how to insert VBA code at runtime, and how to delete all VBA code, but not pull the actual code out into a stream or string that I can store (and insert into other documents in the future).
Any tips or resources would be appreciated.
Edit: thanks to everyone, Aardvark's answer was exactly what I was looking for. I have converted his code to C#, and was able to call it from a class library using Visual Studio 2008.
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using Microsoft.Vbe.Interop;
public List<string> GetMacrosFromDoc()
Document doc = GetWordDoc(@"C:\Temp\test.docm");
List<string> macros = new List<string>();
VBProject prj;
CodeModule code;
string composedFile;
prj = doc.VBProject;
foreach (VBComponent comp in prj.VBComponents)
code = comp.CodeModule;
// Put the name of the code module at the top
composedFile = comp.Name + Environment.NewLine;
// Loop through the (1-indexed) lines
for (int i = 0; i < code.CountOfLines; i++)
composedFile += code.get_Lines(i + 1, 1) + Environment.NewLine;
// Add the macro to the list
return macros;
You'll have to add a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 (or whatever version you have). I have the VBA SDK and such on my box - so this may not be exactly what office ships with.
Also you have to enable access to the VBA Object Model specifically - see the "Trust Center" in Word options. This is in addition to all the other Macro security settings Office provides.
This example will extract code from the current document it lives in - it itself is a VBA macro (and will display itself and any other code as well). There is also a Application.vbe.VBProjects collection to access other documents. While I've never done it, I assume an external application could get to open files using this VBProjects collection as well. Security is funny with this stuff so it may be tricky.
I also wonder what the docm file format is now - XML like the docx? Would that be a better approach?
Sub GetCode()
Dim prj As VBProject
Dim comp As VBComponent
Dim code As CodeModule
Dim composedFile As String
Dim i As Integer
Set prj = ThisDocument.VBProject
For Each comp In prj.VBComponents
Set code = comp.CodeModule
composedFile = comp.Name & vbNewLine
For i = 1 To code.CountOfLines
composedFile = composedFile & code.Lines(i, 1) & vbNewLine
MsgBox composedFile
End Sub
You could export the code to files and then read them back in.
I've been using the code below to help me keep some Excel macros under source control (using Subversion & TortoiseSVN). It basically exports all the code to text files any time I save with the VBA editor open. I put the text files in subversion so that I can do diffs. You should be able to adapt/steal some of this to work in Word.
The registry check in CanAccessVBOM() corresponds to the "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" in the security setting.
Sub ExportCode()
If Not CanAccessVBOM Then Exit Sub ' Exit if access to VB object model is not allowed
If (ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveWindow Is Nothing) Then
Exit Sub ' Exit if VBA window is not open
End If
Dim comp As VBComponent
Dim codeFolder As String
codeFolder = CombinePaths(GetWorkbookPath, "Code")
On Error Resume Next
MkDir codeFolder
On Error GoTo 0
Dim FileName As String
For Each comp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
Select Case comp.Type
Case vbext_ct_ClassModule
FileName = CombinePaths(codeFolder, comp.Name & ".cls")
DeleteFile FileName
comp.Export FileName
Case vbext_ct_StdModule
FileName = CombinePaths(codeFolder, comp.Name & ".bas")
DeleteFile FileName
comp.Export FileName
Case vbext_ct_MSForm
FileName = CombinePaths(codeFolder, comp.Name & ".frm")
DeleteFile FileName
comp.Export FileName
Case vbext_ct_Document
FileName = CombinePaths(codeFolder, comp.Name & ".cls")
DeleteFile FileName
comp.Export FileName
End Select
End Sub
Function CanAccessVBOM() As Boolean
' Check resgistry to see if we can access the VB object model
Dim wsh As Object
Dim str1 As String
Dim AccessVBOM As Long
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
str1 = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & _
Application.Version & "\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM"
On Error Resume Next
AccessVBOM = wsh.RegRead(str1)
Set wsh = Nothing
CanAccessVBOM = (AccessVBOM = 1)
End Function
Sub DeleteFile(FileName As String)
On Error Resume Next
Kill FileName
End Sub
Function GetWorkbookPath() As String
Dim fullName As String
Dim wrkbookName As String
Dim pos As Long
wrkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name
fullName = ThisWorkbook.fullName
pos = InStr(1, fullName, wrkbookName, vbTextCompare)
GetWorkbookPath = Left$(fullName, pos - 1)
End Function
Function CombinePaths(ByVal Path1 As String, ByVal Path2 As String) As String
If Not EndsWith(Path1, "\") Then
Path1 = Path1 & "\"
End If
CombinePaths = Path1 & Path2
End Function
Function EndsWith(ByVal InString As String, ByVal TestString As String) As Boolean
EndsWith = (Right$(InString, Len(TestString)) = TestString)
End Function