Is there a way that similar in jquery ajax beforeSend and complete in C#?
Because in web I usually do when pressing like an add button i set beforendSend:
a function to show an image and hide image function in complete:
And now I want to do in C# desktop application. Is there any similar to that? like some kind of using a progress bar
Is this a winforms application? It has a ProgressBar control you can use. There is one for WPF as well. But you will want to do your processing on a background thread so your UI remains responsive and updates your progress bar.
You will need to perform background processing and UI callbacks. Very simple example below:
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessingEvent += AnEventOccurred;
ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(LongRunningProcess);
Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart);
private void LongRunningProcess()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
RaiseEvent("Processing " + i);
if (ProcessingEvent != null)
private void RaiseEvent(string whatOccurred)
if (ProcessingEvent != null)
private void AnEventOccurred(string whatOccurred)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new Processing(AnEventOccurred), new object[] { whatOccurred });
this.label1.Text = whatOccurred;
delegate void Processing(string whatOccurred);
event Processing ProcessingEvent;
You need to implement like below:
FrmLoading f2 = new FrmLoading(); // Sample form whose Load event takes a long time
using (new PleaseWait(this.Location, () => Fill("a"))) // Here you can pass method with parameters
{ f2.Show(); }
public class PleaseWait : IDisposable
private FrmLoading mSplash;
//public delegate double PrdMastSearch(string pMastType);
public PleaseWait(Point location, Action methodWithParameters)
//mLocation = location;
Thread t = new Thread(workerThread);
t.IsBackground = true;
public void Dispose()
mSplash.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(stopThread));
private void stopThread()
private void workerThread()
mSplash = new FrmLoading(); // Substitute this with your own
mSplash.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
//mSplash.Location = mLocation;
mSplash.TopMost = true;
It works 100% correct ... now currently worked in my system.