Validating list of strings

2019-09-12 12:46发布


This is a follow up to my previous question.
Suppose I need to write a function validate in order to make sure that a given list of strings consists of "a", "b", and one or more "c".

def validate(ss: List[String]): Either[NonEmptyList[MyError], Unit] = ???

Suppose I have three functions to check if a given string is "a", "b", or "c":

def validateA(str: String): Either[MyError, Unit] = ???
def validateB(str: String): Either[MyError, Unit] = ???
def validateC(str: String): Either[MyError, Unit] = ???

How to compose those functions to implement validate ?

One solution is a "parser combinators" approach. Define a monad instance for type Validator = Either[NonEmptyList[MyError], List[String]], combinators like oneOrMore similar to parser combinators etc.

I am wondering whether there is an easier solution.


I suggest you to leverage cats Validated.

Let's define some helper methods, if you really don't want to change your validateT methods signatures:

def validateA_(str: String): ValidatedNel[MyError, Unit] = validateA(str).toValidatedNel
def validateB_(str: String): ValidatedNel[MyError, Unit] = validateB(str).toValidatedNel
def validateC_(str: String): ValidatedNel[MyError, Unit] = validateC(str).toValidatedNel

Then you can implement a validate_ helper function:

import{ invalidNel, valid }

def validate_(ss: List[String]): ValidatedNel[MyError, Unit] = ss match {
  case a :: b :: c if c.nonEmpty =>
    validateA_(a) combine validateB_(b) combine c.traverseU_(validateC_)
  case _ => invalidNel(MyError(???)) //List too short

And finally implement your validate function as:

def validate(ss: List[String]): Either[NonEmptyList[MyError], Unit] = 

Assumptions: the input list is sorted and if it is shorter than 3 elements a specific error (e.g. list too short) is acceptable.


Looks like you could make use of Scalactic, which allows one to accumulate errors without short-circuiting the whole validation process.

This example looks quite similar to what you are trying to do. Check it out!