I struggle to add a label on top of a line in highcharts .. for example suppose I have 4 series (all visible) with name 'data'
, 'mean'
, '+1 std'
, '-1 std'
And I would like as a result:
I am lost to know how to add it ... even with the documentation it seems I need the abscissa and ordinate to add for each label. How can I retrieve this information? Is it possible to add the label directly when I add the series?
id : 'mean',
name : 'mean',
type : 'line',
lineWidth : 1,
lineColor : 'rgba(0,128,0,0.9)',
color : 'rgba(0,128,0,0.9)',
dashStyle : 'LongDash',
zIndex : 5,
data : [[ext.dataMin, mean], [ext.dataMax, mean]],
enableMouseTracking: false
Notice that I do not want to display this information in a legend, but on the chart itself-