Multiprocessing pool and queues

2019-09-12 11:37发布


I am using multiprocessing with pools. I need to pass a structure as argument to a function that has to be used in separate processes. I am facing an issue with the mapping functions of the multiprocessing.Pool, since I cannot duplicate neither Pool.Queue, nor Pool.Array. This structure is to be used on the fly to log the result of each terminated process. Here is my code:

import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Queue, Array
import itertools
import time

def do_work(number, out_queue=None):
    if out_queue is not None:
        print "Treated nb ", number
        out_queue.append("Treated nb " + str(number))
    return 0

def multi_run_wrapper(iter_values):
    return do_work(*iter_values)

def test_pool():
    # Get the max cpu
    nb_proc = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nb_proc)
    total_tasks = 16
    tasks = range(total_tasks)

    out_queue= Queue()  # Use it instead of out_array and change out_queue.append() into out_queue.put() in the do_work() function.
    out_array = Array('i', total_tasks)
    iter_values = itertools.izip(tasks, itertools.repeat(out_array))
    results = pool.map_async(multi_run_wrapper, iter_values)

    print results._value
    while not out_queue.empty():
        print "queue: ", out_queue.get()
    print "out array: \n", out_array

if __name__ == "__main__":

I need to launch a worker in a detached process and to pass my output queue as argument. I also want to specify the pool containing a limited number of running processes. For that I am using the pool.map_async() function. Unfortunately the piece of code above gives me an error:

Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 808, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 761, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 342, in _handle_tasks
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 77, in __getstate__
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 52, in assert_spawning
    ' through inheritance' % type(self).__name__
RuntimeError: Queue objects should only be shared between processes through inheritance

I believe it is because a Queue cannot be copied, ever, as I read in the doc. Then I thought of making the queue a global variable so that I would not need to pass it anynmore, but that would be so messy in my opinion. I also thought of using a multiprocessing.Array instead

out_array = Array('i', total_tasks)

but the same error would be risen as with queues:

# ...
RuntimeError: SynchronizedArray objects should only be shared between processes through inheritance

I need to use this feature - use of multiprocessing and exchanging informations from subprocesses - in a relatively big software so I want my code to remain clean and tidy.

How can I pass the queue to my worker in an elegant way?

Of course, any other way of dealing with the main specification is welcome.


multiprocessing.Pool will not accept a multiprocessing.Queue as an argument in its work queue. I believe this is because it internally uses queues to send data back and forth to the worker processes. There are a couple workarounds:

1) Do you really need to use a queue? One advantage of the Pool function is that their return values are sent back to the main processes. It is generally better to iterate over the return values from a pool than to use a separate queue. This also avoids the race condition introduce by checking queue.empty()

2) If you must use a Queue, you can use one from multiprocessing.Manager. This is a proxy to a shared queue which can be passed as an argument to the Pool functions.

3) You can pass a normal Queue to worker processes by using an initializer when creating the Pool(like This is kinda hacky.

The race condition I mentioned above comes from:

while not out_queue.empty():
    print "queue: ", out_queue.get()

When you have worker processes filling your queue, you can have the condition where your queue is currently empty because a worker is about to put something into it. If you check .empty() at this time you will end early. A better method is to put sentinal values in your queue to signal when you are finished putting data into it.