Access SQL Server Insert blocked by Select

2019-09-12 09:43发布


OK we have a multi user (25 users) Access 2013 FE and a SQL Server 2012 BE. Up until yesterday the whole system was working FINE and now it has completely stopped.

  • If user A has a record open via a straight forward select query reading from TABLE Z, then if user B tries to do an insert on TABLE Z, they receive a timeout message. When I go to SQL server and run SP_WH02, it states User B is blocked by User A. When I then investigate the command that is blocking user B, it is just a simple SELECT statement.

Does anyone know why this would be?

The form that User A has open has Record Locks = No Locks and Recordset Type = Dynaset

The record source is a SELECT, retrieving two fields where the key field is a parameter based on the value of another.

However, nothing has changed on this system for months, so I'm confused as to why this would happen.

Thanks for any help.


Ok we solved it. If anyone else has the same issue: We archived 9400 records into a new table and now we can do inserts again. It has bought us time so going forward I will normalize table Z further and auto archive records against a criteria.


It may be the same or similar issue as in MS Access holds locks on table rows indefinitely

Access only fetches the first x rows of the big recordsource, leaving the table in a ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait state, i.e. locked.

Possible solutions are:

  • Don't have forms or queries that select all records. It usually doesn't make too much sense to scroll through 20k+ records.
  • Force Access to fetch all records, to release the lock. You can do this with Me.RecordsetClone.MoveLast e.g. in Form_Load(). Only advisable with a fast network connection.