OK we have a multi user (25 users) Access 2013 FE and a SQL Server 2012 BE. Up until yesterday the whole system was working FINE and now it has completely stopped.
- If user A has a record open via a straight forward select query reading from TABLE Z, then if user B tries to do an insert on TABLE Z, they receive a timeout message. When I go to SQL server and run SP_WH02, it states User B is blocked by User A. When I then investigate the command that is blocking user B, it is just a simple SELECT statement.
Does anyone know why this would be?
The form that User A has open has Record Locks = No Locks and Recordset Type = Dynaset
The record source is a SELECT, retrieving two fields where the key field is a parameter based on the value of another.
However, nothing has changed on this system for months, so I'm confused as to why this would happen.
Thanks for any help.