i'm trying to create a small spreadsheet for data verification. Below i have created two tables Table 1 and Table 2.
What i am trying to find is a simple =Index Match or similar to check for Current month then copy that value to respective Group row under verification.
Problem is that the months are a header row and i have no idea how to check a header row for correct month then output the values in the cells below it to each corresponding group in the output list.
So to put it in programming terms this is what im looking for
If A2=Table2[Header] then c8=C4 else table[header] + step right
A2 contains todays Date (=today()) and Header has the shorten Month names as Jan Feb Mar and so on. Something similar as above, i don't know if i'm making it harder for me then it really should be. I'm working with Excel 2013.
Output list
Group Input Verification Differance
G1 120 123 =Sum([@[Input]]-[@[Verification])
G2 76 110 =Sum([@[Input]]-[@[Verification])
G3 110 90 =Sum([@[Input]]-[@[Verification])
G4 34 53 =Sum([@[Input]]-[@[Verification])
Data list
Group Year Jan Feb Mar Apr
G1 2017 123 95 80
G2 2017 110 85 75
G3 2017 90 80 70
G4 2017 53 53 46
Regards Johan