trying to get ‘sval’ to contain the string “$1” – “$500” for array indexes 0-499. in the following code, however itoa is giving me strange strings in the code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
typedef struct data_t {
int ival;
char *sval;
} data_t;
void f1(data_t **d);
int main()
data_t *d;
d=static_cast<data_t*>(malloc(500)); //is this even needed?
d = new data_t[500];
/* code for function f1 to fill in array begins */
void f1(data_t **d)
int i;
char str[5];
for (int i=0; i<500; i++)
itoa (i,str,10);
(*d)[i].sval= str;
it also seems itoa has been depreciated, but that was what i got when i googled int to string