I'm Using Flex + java .. in that i have two Sub mxml files Sub1.mxml and Sub2.mxml
Sub1.mxml code..
[Bindable] private var editTimetableVO:TimetableVO;
public function forwardToCreateEvent(event:MouseEvent):void
editTimetableVO = new TimetableVO();
editTimetableVO=editDataGrid.selectedItem as TimetableVO;//editDataGrid is DataGrid id
Alert.show("value "+editTimetableVO.startDate);
Hear Alert is Print some date it is good... then my Second Mxml file..
Sub2.mxml code..
public var myEditEvent:Sub1 = new Sub1();
private var timetableVO:TimetableVO = new TimetableVO();
// private var editTimetableVO:TimetableVO = new TimetableVO();
protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void
timetableVO=myEditEvent.editDataGrid.selectedItem as TimetableVO;
Alert.show("value "+timetableVO.startDate);
But in that time Alert not Printing ....
Is their any other way to access to editTimetableVO
in Sub1.mxml to Sub2.mxml file...
public class ModelLocator{
public static var instance:ModelLocator;
public var editTimetableVO:*;
public function ModelLocator(instance:SingletonEnforcer){}
public static function getInstance():ModelLocator{
instance = new ModelLocator(new SingletonEnforcer());
return instance;
}class SingletonEnforcer{}
// sub1.mxml
[Bindable]private var model:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance();
public function forwardToCreateEvent(event:MouseEvent):void
model.editTimetableVO = new TimetableVO();
model.editTimetableVO=editDataGrid.selectedItem as TimetableVO;//editDataGrid is DataGrid id
Alert.show("value "+model.editTimetableVO.startDate);
// Sub2.mxml
[Bindable]private var model:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance();
protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void
model.timetableVO=myEditEvent.editDataGrid.selectedItem as TimetableVO;
Alert.show("value "+model.timetableVO.startDate);
Try to create a modelLocator (singleton class and put reference of "editTimetableVO" in that file). This way only a single instance of "editTimetableVO" variable exist in whole application lifecycle, as you have declared this variable as Bindable so changes happen anywhere in application will reflect instantly.